Fine reinforcing carbon black. Ensures durability and abrasion resistance, and relatively low module.
Application: Tire treads, tread recapping. High quality industrial rubber products. High class feeder belts.
Carbon black
Carbon black is a finely dispersed amorphous carbon material produced by combustion or thermal decomposition of gas and liquid hydrocarbons.
Fine reinforcing carbon black with enhanced structural properties. abrasion resistance and reinforces resin. Rubbers based on N 234 have high module and are characterized by smooth extrusion of raw compounds.
Application: High-durability tire treads, tread recapping. High quality industrial rubber products and feeder belts.
Fine low-structure carbon black. Ensures low module, high exertion at rupture, high tear resistance, and high durability.
Application: Mixtures for production of tire breaker strips, including large and SUV tires. Feeder belts, industrial rubber products, sealers.
Fine reinforcing carbon black. Enhances rupture strength at strain, and high abrasion resistance.
Application: Tire breaker strips and side strips. Large tires, hose framing, feeder belts, industrial rubber products.
Fine reinforcing carbon black with enhanced structural properties. Ensures low module, improved extrusion, abrasion resistance and hysteresis.
Application: Tire treads, tread recapping. Industrial rubber products and feeder belts.
Medium-dispersible medium-reinforcing carbon black. Ensures high extrudability, relatively high tear resistance.
Application: Mixtures for production of tire bodies and inner tubes. Extrusion-profiled articles. Industrial rubber products, sealers, hoses.
Medium-dispersible medium-reinforcing carbon black. Ensures smooth extrudability.
Application: Extrusion-profiled articles. Industrial rubber products.
Medium-dispersible medium-reinforcing low-structure carbon black. Ensures better swelling of the extruded flow, high elasticity and relatively high solidity. May be introduced in excess.
Application: Mixtures for production of tire bodies and inner tubes. Molded and extrusion-profiled products. Industrial rubber products, hoses. Single-layer roofing systems, cable insulation.
Low-dispersible medium-active carbon black, enhances elasticity and dynamics of mixtures.
Application: Tire bodies and industrial rubber products.
Active channel carbon black produced in diffusive flame by thermal oxidative decomposition of natural or associated gas and its deposition on cooler plates ― 'channels'. This class is high-dispersible and low-structured.
1. Reinforcing filler tires, rubber mixtures, extra-durable rubber and asbestos products. Enhances premature vulcanization resistance of rubber mixtures. Enhances static and dynamic load resistance of vulcanized rubbers.
2. Special properties component for plastic and polymers: conductivity, durability, UV and radar emission absorption.
- 3. Intense black pigment for coatings, paints and polymer dying. Forms stable dispersions, ensures deep black coloring of the material, UV-protection and neat appearance. Used for:
- production of intense black dyers, lacquers and coatings;
- production of non-stick coatings for casting and engineering plants;
- production of plastic, elastomers, ceramics;
- production of synthetic fibers and films;
- production of print pigment, carbon paper, typing machines bands, resinous materials (mastic, shoe-polish);
- production of mascara in cosmetics industry;
- coloring of concrete, cement, dry mixtures for construction, production of lime and sand brick, sidewalk tiles and glazed tiles.
Active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is high-dispersible and medium-structured.
Application: Tire treads, tread recapping. High-quality industrial rubber and mold products that need to be highly abrasion resistant and rigid.
Active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is high-dispersible and high-structured.
Application: Tire treads, tread recapping. High-quality industrial rubber products. High-class feeder belts.
Ensures durability and abrasion resistance, and relatively low module.
Active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is high-dispersible and medium-structured.
Application: Mixtures for production of tire breaker strips and side strips, including those for large tires; feeder belts, industrial rubber products.
Semi-active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is medium-dispersible and medium-structured.
Application: Mixtures for production of tire bodies and inner tubes. Extrusion-profiled products. Industrial rubber products, sealers, cables, hoses.
Semi-active carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of pure natural gas or gas mixed with liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and low-structured.
Application: Cable insulation, feeder belts, profile industrial rubber products, coatings and paints. Capable of high filling and retaining elasticity.
Semi-active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and low-structured.
Application: Cable insulation, feeder belts, profile industrial rubber products, coatings and paints.
Semi-active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and high-structured.
Application: Mold products, rubber mixtures.
Low-active furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidation of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and medium-structured.
Application: Mold and profile industrial rubber products, rubber mixtures, hoses, shoes, medical and household utilities.
Low-active carbon black produced by thermal decomposition of natural gas. This class has the lowest dispersity and structural characteristics as compared to other classes.
Application: Mold products, rubber mixtures, thermal insulation for electric coal products.
Low-activity furnace carbon black produced by thermal oxidative decomposition of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and has high structural properties, as well as good technological and reinforcing properties.
Application: Rubbers of high conductivity and antistaticity, elastic cable screens. Thermal insulation for electric coal products.
Low-activity furnace special-purpose carbon black produced by thermal oxidative decomposition of liquid hydrocarbon. This class is low-dispersible and has medium structural properties.
Application: Metal industry, coating and paint industry.