Produced by retorting. The National Tire Industry Research Institute confirmed that the properties of СКИ-3 resin model rubbers and tires made of СКИ-3:СКД:СКМС-30АРКМ (40:30%30) resin combination, when based on А-Г zinc white are close to the properties of analogous materials based on БЦОМ zinc white.
Application: Production of tires, oil and alkyd paints, pore filers, asbestos products.
Zinc white is a synthetic non-organic white pigment — zinc oxide produced from zinc metal.
Grade A
Produced by retorting, from zinc metal. The БЦОМ zinc white surpasses its imported analogues in purity ― its ZnO content is at least 99.7%.
Application: High quality tire vulcanization activation; filling for plastic and asbestos products; production of rubber articles, paint and coating, lead and zinc batteries, artificial leather, shoe soles, electric cables, dental cements and abrasives.